
We are Proud to Invent the Modern Gen-Stars Cold Presses since 1983 , under the Hardest conditions of Test Manufacturing .

This New Gen-Star Cold Presses have best Technology , high quality & high efficiency.
Operate Days & Nights Continuously , The Output vegetable Oils are 100% organic natural which have all related Vitamins Confirm to International Standards Codex. so no need require to Chemical refining & the shape of cake is Pellet Forms.

Modern Gen-Stars surprised Oil Extraction Industries as no need Crushing , Cooking , Flaking , etc. As well no need for
Owners to investing for any Preparatory Seed’s Machines.
With choosing some Gen-Star you can get high Capacity in scale Industry. as we are specialist to make Big Scale Gen-Stars.

Gen-Stars Cold Presses can do For all World`s Seeds from Big size up to small size of Seeds. Canola , Sesame , Almond , Palm , Olive , Jutropha, Jojoba, Soy Bean & etc.

Our Gen-Stars Real Cold Press System get 100% oil Content in Seeds
even Comparing to Hot-Pressing & Solvent!